Realmente Geniales estas Zapatillas que salieron en edicion limitada, basada en la clasica pelicula "Volver al Futuro", algunas caracteristicas de estas son:
Belfast Stamp – Placed on the tongue is a nod to the Irish factory that originally
produced the vehicle
Gullwing Eyestay – Reinterpreted doors on the shoe’s bottom eyestay
Taillight Outsole – Color blocking on the sole mimics taillights
Aca les dejo algunas fotitos
Tag Blogalaxia:delorean
lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010
Video de los goles del Barcelona al Madrid
El gol de Xavi Hernandez
El Gol de Pedro
Video de la pelea entre Ronaldo y Guardiola
El 3 - 0
El 4 - 0
Tag Blogalaxia:barcelona+madrid
El gol de Jeffren
La expulsion de Ramos
El Gol de Pedro
Video de la pelea entre Ronaldo y Guardiola
El 3 - 0
El 4 - 0
Tag Blogalaxia:barcelona+madrid
El gol de Jeffren
La expulsion de Ramos
Los Emprendedores Top de Social Media
Mark Zuckerberg - FacebookWe'll start with the most famous and successful of the social media magnates, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. There's already been a lot written about Zuckerberg - and if you want a semi-fictionalized version of his tale you can see the aforementioned "The Social Network" movie - but in brief: While studying at Harvard and working out of his dorm, Zuckerberg started as a sort of student directory. Needless to say, Facebook has flourished into the biggest social network in the world.
Started as a directory, it is now a place to host photos, connect with friends, share stories and status updates, publicly proclaim your likes and dislikes, and it's also become a place for companies to engage in direct marketing. According to Forbes, as of September 2010, Zuckerberg is worth $6.9 billion. Though there's been a lot of controversy around Facebook, it doesn't look like the trend will be dying out soon.
Tom Anderson - MyspaceNot all social media trends last forever (anyone remember Friendster?), as evidenced in the growth and decline of Myspace. When you first signed up for Myspace, your first friend was most likely co-founder Tom Anderson, and before being surpassed by Facebook in 2008, Myspace was the biggest social media site in the world. Myspace is now known more for its music and video hosting and as a way for bands to promote themselves by streaming their media, and it still has many personal users. Anderson co-founded Myspace with Chris DeWolfe in 2003, before selling it to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation for $580 million in 2005.
IN PICTURES: Consumer "Fads" That Haven't Faded
Andrew Mason - GrouponGroup buying, and specifically Groupon, has become a huge trend in the last year, capitalizing on the growing popularity of social marketing. Andrew Mason, a 29-year old music major and self-taught computer programmer, had a few startups before perfecting the recipe for online success with Groupon in 2008. Groupon has employees that contact businesses; these businesses then give a special offer that's only available through Groupon, and Groupon sends a daily email to people who are signed up in the business's city. It can be anything from 40% off clothes, to half-price dinners to cheap yoga classes, and it's really catching on. According to a Forbes article from August, Groupon is the fastest growing online company ever, and is set to pull in more than $500 million in revenue for 2010. (For a counterpoint, see 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Use Coupons.)
Reid Hoffman – LinkedInLinkedIn is a professional version of Facebook, where people use the social network site not to update what they had for lunch or show pictures from last night's party, but to network with about 80 million other professionals who want to advance their careers. An academic with a master's degree in philosophy, Hoffman was at Paypal before co-founding LinkedIn in 2003. According to Forbes, Hoffman is estimated to be worth $340 million, and LinkedIn has been valued at $2 billion.
Jack Dorsey – TwitterTwitter was created by Jack Dorsey in 2006, and the 140-character microblogging powerhouse now has more than 100 million users. Dorsey is a software engineer, and was the CEO of Twitter until 2008, where he is now chairman. He also runs the site Square, which is a portable credit card service that can be used with an iPhone. Twitter is a place where you can share your thoughts and daily activities, and point people towards links and news items - as long as you do it in 140 characters or less. (For more, check out Tweeting: The Next New "Profession".)
Bottom LineSocial media is not going anywhere, and at this point, it's still in its infancy. With the advent of all of these social sites, there are many options for individuals and investors to choose from, and if you can think of a way to improve or revolutionize these types of services, there's a lot of money to be made.
Started as a directory, it is now a place to host photos, connect with friends, share stories and status updates, publicly proclaim your likes and dislikes, and it's also become a place for companies to engage in direct marketing. According to Forbes, as of September 2010, Zuckerberg is worth $6.9 billion. Though there's been a lot of controversy around Facebook, it doesn't look like the trend will be dying out soon.
Tom Anderson - MyspaceNot all social media trends last forever (anyone remember Friendster?), as evidenced in the growth and decline of Myspace. When you first signed up for Myspace, your first friend was most likely co-founder Tom Anderson, and before being surpassed by Facebook in 2008, Myspace was the biggest social media site in the world. Myspace is now known more for its music and video hosting and as a way for bands to promote themselves by streaming their media, and it still has many personal users. Anderson co-founded Myspace with Chris DeWolfe in 2003, before selling it to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation for $580 million in 2005.
IN PICTURES: Consumer "Fads" That Haven't Faded
Andrew Mason - GrouponGroup buying, and specifically Groupon, has become a huge trend in the last year, capitalizing on the growing popularity of social marketing. Andrew Mason, a 29-year old music major and self-taught computer programmer, had a few startups before perfecting the recipe for online success with Groupon in 2008. Groupon has employees that contact businesses; these businesses then give a special offer that's only available through Groupon, and Groupon sends a daily email to people who are signed up in the business's city. It can be anything from 40% off clothes, to half-price dinners to cheap yoga classes, and it's really catching on. According to a Forbes article from August, Groupon is the fastest growing online company ever, and is set to pull in more than $500 million in revenue for 2010. (For a counterpoint, see 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Use Coupons.)
Reid Hoffman – LinkedInLinkedIn is a professional version of Facebook, where people use the social network site not to update what they had for lunch or show pictures from last night's party, but to network with about 80 million other professionals who want to advance their careers. An academic with a master's degree in philosophy, Hoffman was at Paypal before co-founding LinkedIn in 2003. According to Forbes, Hoffman is estimated to be worth $340 million, and LinkedIn has been valued at $2 billion.
Jack Dorsey – TwitterTwitter was created by Jack Dorsey in 2006, and the 140-character microblogging powerhouse now has more than 100 million users. Dorsey is a software engineer, and was the CEO of Twitter until 2008, where he is now chairman. He also runs the site Square, which is a portable credit card service that can be used with an iPhone. Twitter is a place where you can share your thoughts and daily activities, and point people towards links and news items - as long as you do it in 140 characters or less. (For more, check out Tweeting: The Next New "Profession".)
Bottom LineSocial media is not going anywhere, and at this point, it's still in its infancy. With the advent of all of these social sites, there are many options for individuals and investors to choose from, and if you can think of a way to improve or revolutionize these types of services, there's a lot of money to be made.
miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010
Un gamer paga 15000 $us para jugar World of Warcraft en una pantalla de 820 pies de largo
Ocurrio en China donde un jugador no se conformo con jugar World of Warcraft y pregunto cuanto costaria jugarlo en una pantalla de 820 pies de largo que se encuentra en una calle de Beijing China, la respuesta 15000 dolares a lo que este cuate dijo, deme una ficha....
Tag Blogalaxia:world+warcraft
Tag Blogalaxia:world+warcraft
Video Pamela Moreno bailando el Baile del Coto en Justo a Tiempo
Pamela Moreno baila en un desafio en "Justo a Tiempo"
martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010
Video de la Mordida (Literal) de Luiz Suarez
El arquero mas famoso de Sudafrica 2010 mordio a un rival en un partido por la liga Holandesa
sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010
miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
Video de un Hotel construido en 6 dias
Solo en China suceden estas cosas
You might hear people talk about how fast the real estate boom is taking off in China but I bet you never thought it could move this fast. A Chinese construction company builds a 15 story energy efficient hotel in under a week.
Tag Blogalaxia:video+hotel
You might hear people talk about how fast the real estate boom is taking off in China but I bet you never thought it could move this fast. A Chinese construction company builds a 15 story energy efficient hotel in under a week.
Tag Blogalaxia:video+hotel
Video River Plate 1 - Boca Juniors 0
El Gol de Maidana con el que sentencia a un Boca que dio lastima y un River que mostro algo pero.. esta muy lejos del nivel que alguna vez se le conocio.
Tag Blogalaxia:superclasico
Tag Blogalaxia:superclasico
Video de la presentacion de la nueva camiseta de la Seleccion Española
Realmente Adidas se lucion con esta publicidad, se puede ver a David Silva y Villa
Tag Blogalaxia:seleccion+españa
Tag Blogalaxia:seleccion+españa
lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010
Pagina donde pedir tu invitacion para tu mail en Facebook
Hoy Facebook lanzo su correo minimalista, este estara disponible gradualmente para los usuarios y sera del tipo, pero puedes solicitar una invitacion en:
Tag Blogalaxia:facebook+mail
Tag Blogalaxia:facebook+mail
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010
martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010
Video de una genial Jugada en el Futbol Americano
Ocurrio en Cadetes, vean como le entregan la bola al "quarterback" y cuando este ya distrajo a todos empieza a correr, digna jugada de una pelicula de Hollywood.
Segun mencionaron fue una jugada planeada por los Directores del equipo
Tag Blogalaxia:quarterback
Segun mencionaron fue una jugada planeada por los Directores del equipo
Tag Blogalaxia:quarterback
lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010
Videos de Larissa Riquelme en Bolivia
Aca los videos que se difunden de la visita de Larissa Riquelme a Santa Cruz en la presentacion de un nuevo Celular para Tigo (si alguien recuerda el modelo de celular avise)
Tag Blogalaxia:larissa+riquelme
Tag Blogalaxia:larissa+riquelme
viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010
En la Exposur Ricardo Montaner y Leo Rey son posibles atracciones
Lo acaba de Publicar el Pais de TArija
Tag Blogalaxia:exposur
La décima tercera versión internacional de la feria Exposición del Sur (Exposur) 2010 Bicentenario, tendrá la posible presentación de Ricardo Montaner y Leo Rey como las principales atracciones, sin embargo, el gerente de la Exposur, Gabriel Trigo, al ser consultado sobre los artistas internacionales, dijo que por el momento no se puede adelantar nada, pero aseguró que en el curso de los siguientes días la ciudadanía podrá conocer quiénes son las estrellas de renombre.
Trigo aclaró que para el presente año se tiene programado dos eventos artísticos de nivel internacional, por otro lado, se tiene prevista la participación de artistas nacionales y del departamento, a quienes se pretende promocionarles en este tipo de eventos con gran afluencia de personas.
Por otra parte, dijo que desde la víspera se tiene un importante despliegue de personal que realiza trabajos de limpieza y reacondicionamiento del campo ferial con el arreglo de los jardines. Además, cuatro empresas comenzaron a trabajar en el arreglo de los stands, montaje y refacción de ambientes.
El gerente manifestó que este tipo de actividades de exposición generan más de diez mil fuentes de trabajo, entre directas a indirectas, que son un importante aporte a la economía departamental porque beneficia a varios sectores laborales y productivos de la región. "La Exposur está considerada como la feria más importante del sur de Bolivia y esta situación se debe en gran medida al apoyo del Gobierno Departamental de Tarija y al esfuerzo de los expositores", expresó.
Tag Blogalaxia:exposur
miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010
Video Pixels criaturas de 8 bits invadiendo el mundo
Se imaginan que Pacman aparezca del cielo y nos quiera comer? o que vengan partes de Tetris y derummben edificios?
Pues aca en este video se hace realidad xD
Tag Blogalaxia:pixels
Pues aca en este video se hace realidad xD
Tag Blogalaxia:pixels
Descubrimiento El grillo es capaz de copular cada 18 segundos
Lo acaban de sacar en la web de Muy Interesante, creo que ya vamos sabiendo por que Pepe Grillo, jode y jode tanto.
Efectivamente, este caso extraordinario se da en la naturaleza. Es el Anonconotus alpinus, un grillo típico de las regiones alpinas que, según los investigadores de las universidades suizas de Derby y Ginebra, es capaz de copular cada 18 segundos. A veces su excitación es tan grande que hiere a la pareja. El macho captura con sus patas a una hembra que pase cerca y copula con ella. A los 18 segundos ya está listo para otra aventura sexual.Tag Blogalaxia:grillo
El hallazgo ha despertado interés entre los biólogos, pues este grillo es diferente al común, que utiliza el cortejo, mientras el alpino no se detiene en esos asuntos.
lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010
Video del Cuadrangular de Edgar Renteria en la Serie Mundial
Hoy Colombia esta de fiesta por que Edgar Renteria en la 7ma Entrada de la Serie Mundial le dio el Triunfo a los Giants de San Francisco, con un Cuadrangular que valio por 3 carrera.
Aca el Video del Cuadrangular
Aca cuando lo nombran el Jugador Mas Valioso JMV
Tag Blogalaxia:Blogalaxia
Aca el Video del Cuadrangular
Aca cuando lo nombran el Jugador Mas Valioso JMV
Tag Blogalaxia:Blogalaxia
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